Wednesday, March 21, 2018

One Year Ago Today...

Miss you mom.

A year ago today you passed away from a rare form of cancer (SNUC).  I spent several weeks and months learning about organizations that research SNUC, but there wasn't one i could find where I was comfortable donating the funds that your friends and family had contributed.  It started to drive me crazy that after all you went through there just wasn't a good explanation as to what happened and how I could fix it from happening again to others.  After a year, on your anniversary, it hit me that you would have been very supportive of an organization like Wipeout Cancer  I know Liner the person that started it, and I know you would be taken aback with her story and what's she been able to accomplish since then.  I'm sure these funds will be put to good use and that's really what a donation like this is all about.  Today I made a $2072 donation on your behalf to

It's been a tough year without you.  Randi is gearing up for our first Passover Ceder since you've been gone.  Its going to be tough but I'm really proud of her for pushing all of us to get together.

love ,

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Happy 60th Birthday

We went to the Oakland Zoo today just like you wanted us too.  We really miss you but have seen a new hummingbird by our house lately that was never there before.  We know you're still watching over us.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Fund Research for SNUC on Behalf of Pamela Joy Peacock

Link to Funding Site
You Caring

please contact me, Jordan Friedman, if you have questions or suggestions on SNUC research

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Celebration Of Life - Friday 3/24 @ 2pm

There was a beautiful positive singularity of Pam's life this morning, March 21st, at 2:30am as she passed on from this dimension of the universe. She was very peaceful at the end which was comforting to see. So much support and love has been shown on this blog and I know she was able to soak up all that energy.

Please join us in celebrating Pam's life. Her favorite color is purple and we would welcome you to dress with this color in your own Peacock style. If you plan to attend (or not) then please comment down below so that we may plan accordingly.

Oakmont Memorial Park

Buffet reception will immediately follow at
Embassy Suites 
valet parking only. we will cover parking for everyone. 


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday 3/19 Update

We had high hopes that this weekend was going to involve some much needed rest, recovery and positive progression. Friday afternoon you were able to sit in the gurney chair for a couple hours, do some physical therapy with Jordan, and communicate a little non-verbally. But this weekend has been rough seeing you in so much pain. We are all trying to understand where and what the pain is associated with and how to treat it but we're not having much luck at the moment. We're also working with your Oncologist to think about new, more modern treatment options instead, or in addition to the chemo and radiation. I am looking forward to tomorrow when the Doctors, pain management team, and physical therapist get to work and most importantly, when you start to feel better. In the meantime, hang in there and one day at a time. We love you!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday 3/16 - Sitting Up!

First time sitting upright in more than 2 weeks. We did some leg exercises and rocked out to some music. You have no idea how amazing this is to see 😊.