Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday 3/10/17

Today marked just over a week since you were checked into John Muir Hospital.  It's been tough for everyone to process, especially you I'm sure.  The good news is that you are resting and not in any pain.  The doctors are taking excellent care of you.

Today was especially busy as you had the trifecta of operations.  First you needed peg tube inserted into your stomach to provide a better way for us to get you some nutrition.  Then the ICU doctor then had to drain about a pint of fluid from your lung (which is also being sent to the lab for tests) that has built up over the past few days.  And finally, you needed your 4th day of radiation treatment.

Between all the doctor visits and operations, you also had a couple special visitors.  A master reiki teacher, Tamara Shulim, came by for some holistic healing.  She gave your family some pointers on how to help you heal when she's not there.  Then Rabbi Berkowitz stopped by for the 2nd time.  He's really nice and Jack is starting to really enjoy his company.  I should post another article titled "Hi Jack You Made a Friend", lol.  But then I'd have to write another post titled "How Ethan Happens To Already Knows Rabbi Berkowitz From a Canada Trip Over a Decade Ago", hahaha.  You'd like to hear that one for sure.

At the end of the week, you've proven yet again to be one tough mom.  Everyone is thinking of you and sending their best.  Everyone wants to do something, anything, to make you feel better.  We all want you better now.  But for now it's one day at a time until you are better.

Love you.

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