Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday 3/13 - Jack's Report

Today for the first time in 12 days you have responded to me with those pretty blue eyes, although you can not talk you are able to answer yes or no questions with a very slight movement of your head. It is the best thing I have experience in recent days. You looked very happy to be able to see us standing over you waiting for our turn to talk to you even though you cannot say a word. You have always said plenty with those eyes. In this case it is ok with me. You have come a long way since this all started 6 weeks ago and although you have a long way to go, your vitals are all in the Normal range, temperature is normal, you no longer need the drip to keep you totally sedated, there is no infection at this point, your body is handling the radiation treatments as normal and tomorrow you will receive the second Chemo treatment after the radiation treatment. One day at a time, I am so proud of you, you are one tough lady!

Love you Blondie!

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